Social media is a part of our everyday lives. If you’re not personally on social media, you are surrounded by others posting, checking notifications and exchanging conversation!

Social media is how we interact with friends and family from across the globe. The problem is that we are sharing so much information and our personal details are more exposed than ever before.

What to be aware of:

Viruses: There are a number of viruses infecting the web, trying to gain access into our accounts and personal or even financial information.
The most common virus we are seeing is through Messenger. A message is sent by a friend containing a link to an unknown destination. This is known to spread the Locky Virus – a destructive infection occupying your data. If you see a message come through and in the preview see a strange link, the chances are it’s the virus. Do not open the message, delete it or even first check via text or call that friend to know it’s a genuine link. Sources suggest to reset your Chrome settings in the app and also uninstall it to be safe. You can also do this with your Messenger and Facebook app if you’re worried.

Always remain aware of viruses. We use the cliché “when in doubt, don’t”.

Do I know you? We know a lot more about people than we did 10-20 years ago thanks to the internet and social media through photo sharing, account bios, anniversary notifications and more. Being able to view social media accounts can be super handy in situations such as interviewing a potential employee. Knowing their true interests, friend circle and small things like grammar use can be beneficial for the potential employer. The flip side is that people you may not necessarily want to know your business may in fact know as much as close friends or family thanks to today’s technology.

Here are a few things the team at GOOP Digital suggests you to check:

1. Security and login – make sure you aren’t leaving your account open anywhere with potential risk. You can log out of all devices in one hit through your Facebook settings.
2. Change your password! Do this every few months using both upper and lower case letters, numbers and even a symbol! We do not encourage passwords such as Dave123 (if your name is Dave of course).
3. Privacy – change your settings to ensure only your friends can see what you’re up to.
4. Sick of random friend requests? You can update your settings so only friends of friends can send a request.
5. “Who can look me up?” This is an important one to check – make sure your email and phone number isn’t on public display.
6. Apps – Did you know apps have the ability to post on your behalf? Not a status as such, but they can ask friends to play online games with you without you even knowing. Switch this off in the “apps, websites and plugins” section.

1. Change your account to on or off public display as you please. But remember, when turned off it disables benefits of hashtags.
2. The new Archive button allows you to remove photos from your profile you may want to hide but not necessarily completely delete!
3. Back to basics – change your password every few months.
4. Use the Two-factor authentication – login as usual but Instagram will also verify the login via your mobile. This is great for high profile people and social media managers.
5. Control who sees your posts – you can block particular people who you don’t want to view your account.

Better still – don’t post or share anything you think could affect you in the future!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give the team at GOOP Digital a call.

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