Our SEO team in Geelong has been shouting this from the rooftops for as long as we can remember and now it’s time to grab a megaphone, find a higher roof and really start bellowing: “Blog in your website!” Did you hear that? Yes? Good! Are you going to heed it? What do you mean “maybe”? You better!
“Blog in your website!” GOOP Digital prides itself on the performance it achieves for its clients’ websites but anybody who thinks a website’s prominence in Google is everlasting is sadly, sadly deluded. Think of your website as a living, breathing organism, and like any organic lifeform it needs feeding.
And what’s the easiest and most beneficial way to feed a website? You already know the answer: By blogging in it – by telling Google and the world what it is you do, where you do it, what you’ve done and how you did it.
GOOP Digital achieves Google prominence for its clients by creating well-designed and well-built websites filled with information about the products and services our clients offer in their marketplaces. There are no hidden tricks or dodgy SEO tactics in our sites – we just stick to the Google rule book of good content, honest reviews and relevant, genuine listings.
Our commitment has always been to achieve prominence in Google for our clients’ websites, and once their websites achieve that prominence we teach clients how to maintain and even improve their status in Google searches.
And what do we teach them? Mostly we teach them how to blog, and how to blog well, so their website is a source of relevant and good-quality information for Google and Google search queries
We’ve told you to think of your website as an organism, now think of Google search as a race, because that’s what it is – a race to the number one spot in search results for what you offer, where you offer it.
Nobody ever won a race by standing still and no website will ever win in the search ranking stakes by remaining static. To have any chance of winning or at least being near the front of the pack in Google your website needs to be fresh and fully charged, and the easiest way to ensure you website is in medal-winning form is to regularly add new, original and informative blogs.
Google itself is always fine tuning, testing, chopping and changing so that it’s as good as it can be, and your website needs as much content and variety as possible to have any hope of staying abreast of Google’s chops and changes. For you information, in the past year alone Google’s had more than 1600 search changes, more than 130,000 search quality tests and almost 10,000 live traffic experiments, to name just a few of the tweaks.
It’s important to remember that Google doesn’t care about your website. It cares about providing the best and most accurate response to searchers’ queries, and as the search engine evolves it’ll be looking for the websites that have evolved with it to deliver the best and most relevant content that answers search questions, whether typed into a keyboard or spoken into a smartphone app.
How do you ensure your website continually evolves and provides updated and relevant content? Do you really need to ask?
By blogging! By adding blogs about the latest jobs you’ve done, the services you’ve offered, the clients you’ve helped.
It’s certainly not rocket science but if you’d like help with blogging, then please don’t hesitate to contact our Geelong SEO website team and we’ll get you Google race ready.