If you have no idea what we mean by “content” or “king” or why one is the other, we’re about to tell you. When we say “content” we are referring to text content written by you or an experienced online SEO copywriter to market your business’s products and services online. When we say “king” we mean that text content is your most powerful weapon in your online marketing arsenal. If you’re not writing about your business and talking to your customers, well, you’re not going to be heard.
We help small to medium-sized businesses every day with their online marketing strategies. What do we always tell them first and foremost? Have a strategy and crown content as your king.
You know you have to write stuff about your business – blogs, email marketing campaigns, Facebook posts, tweets… the list goes on! But do you know how to write good stuff and make it actually work for your business by capturing your audience online and compelling them to take desired action, which is pick your business over the next.
So what are you saying? Why are you saying it? What do you want the outcome of this content to be? How will this content help achieve your business’s goals?
When you think about it, almost all your online marketing efforts are centred on content. So is your content king… or pawn?
Do you need help writing effective stuff to market your business better online? Call GOOP in Geelong today, we specialise in making content king and teaching you how to as well.