Directed by David Finch, starring Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield. This is a story about the founders of the social networking website Facebook.
The roles are cast exceedingly well, and Eisenberg’s (Oscar anyone?) portrayal of Zuckerburg is brilliant, if perhaps not entirely fair. He is flawed, but no doubt part genius and it is difficult not to find him endearing. It would be easy enough to dislike him, as he is at times extremely unpleasant, as he betrays his very few friends and manipulates his way to the top, but we are talking about a 24 YEAR OLD BILLIONAIRE. Personally, I love his arrogance and his business card title ‘I’m CEO – Bitch’ appeals to my sense of humour, especially since the title on my business card is ‘Wonder Woman’.
At times the needs of film outweigh the real story, but this does not distract from this shockingly good movie. The beauty of this movie is that it will appeal to all types of people.
The mother of all inventions – we have Facebook because Zuckerberg got dumped. I love that. An inspiring film for all small business owners.